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titleMac Instructions
  1. Double click CrashPlan, located in the Applications folder.

crashplan_signin_windows.pngImage RemovedScreenshot 2024-06-05 at 15.40.04.pngImage Added
  1. When prompted to sign to CrashPlan, enter your full Andrew username and click the Continue button. You will be prompted to go to your web browser to complete the login process. A CMU Web login window should appear.


Due to a sign-in idiosyncrasy of the CrashPlan application if there is a delay after logging into CMU Web Login of more than 60 seconds, close the CrashPlan application window and relaunch it. You may be prompted for your Andrew user account a second time, after this, application sign in should be completed.


  1. (Optional). If you had previously configured a computer for CrashPlan, you will be prompted to Add New Device or Replace Existing device. Select Add New Device and then click the Yes button.

  2. Verify in the CrashPlan application window that your computer is connected to the ECE Backup Set. The computer should start to back up. Close the CrashPlan application window.
