Both sample batch scripts for some popular software packages and sample batch scripts for general use on TRACE-HPC are available.
For more information on how to run a job on TRACE-HPC, what partitions are available, and how to submit a job, see the Running Jobs section of this user guide.
Sample batch scripts for popular software packages
Sample scripts for some popular software packages are demonstrated at the PSC documentation site. In the future, variations on those scripts will be adapted to TRACE and posted here.
Sample batch scripts for common types of jobs
Sample TRACE-HPC batch scripts for common job types are given below.
Note that in each sample script:
The bash shell is used, indicated by the first line '!#/bin/bash'. If you use a different shell some Unix commands will be different.
For username and groupname you must substitute your username and your appropriate Unix group.
The partition is either batch or your groupname
Sample batch script to submit a job in your group's batch queue
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH -p groupname #SBATCH -t 5:00:00 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128 # type 'man sbatch' for more information and options # this job will ask for 1 full node (128 cores) for 5 hours #echo commands to stdout set -x # connect to working directory # run a pre-compiled program which is already in your working directory ./a.out