ECE PhD Course Requirement
ECE PhDs are required to complete approved technical coursework during the PhD program to satisfy the ECE PhD Course Requirement. Depending on your past education, you will be required to complete either four 4 or 8 courses to satisfy this requirement.
Q: How many courses do I need to satisfy the ECE PhD Course Requirement?
A. If you enter the ECE PhD program with an undergraduate degree, you must complete 8 approved technical courses. If you enter the ECE PhD program with a Master's degree in a STEM field (e.g., computer science, engineering, mathematics, physics), you must complete 4 approved technical courses to satisfy this requirement.
Q: What courses are considered approved for the ECE PhD program?
A. ECE PhD students may take courses offered from these department at the follows levels:
- ECE department (dept # '18') courses offered at the 18-600+ level. Examples: 18-600, 18-613.
- CS department (dept # '15') courses offered at the 15-700+ level. Examples: 15-746, 18-821.
ECE PhDs may also reference the approved list of Breadth Area courses that also count toward the Course Requirement.
Q. Can I take undergraduate-level courses?
A. Yes. PhDs who enter the program with an undergraduate degree, and who must complete 8 courses to fulfill the Course Requirement, may take up to 2 courses offered at the 300+ level from the ECE (18) and CS (15) departments. Examples: 18-300, 15-312.
Students who enter the program with a Master's degree, and who must complete 4 courses to fulfill the Course Requirement, are limited to taking 1 undergraduate-level course from ECE (18) or CS (15) departments at the 300+ level. Examples: 18-300, 15-312.
Q. Can I take more than 4 or 8 courses while at CMU?
A. Yes. Once you satisfy the Course Requirement, you may take additional courses. However, please check with your faculty advisor(s) to ensure that they are aware of your plans to take additional coursework beyond what is needed.
Q. How do I search for course offerings?
A. Reference CMU's course offerings website to look for courses offered by semester.